Zagreb Revisited

Zagreb Revisited

33.18 kn 249,99
Dobavljivost: dobavljivo



In this tale of the city of Zagreb, author and journalist Zvonimir Milčec more often than not tells us the story of how the city breathes. His characters and »hidden places« often catch our interest more than the city's history itself. Milčec's text contains an optimal share of foundational knowledge of the city of Zagreb that no other book on the subject would overlook or ignore. "Zagreb Revisited" is a book written by an author who did not hesitate to write about city themes that may be considered large or small, or to put together his dreams and reality, ups and downs, and the forces that cause the past to collide with the present all in one place. And above all – to reveal to his fellow citizens or random visitors just how important the city of Zagreb is within this part of Europe. Milčec does this through nonconformational and nonconventional hierarchization, as opposed to through mere depiction.

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Additional features
Value 1 21 cm
Value 2 700 gr.
Value 3 10 person
Value 4 14 cm
Value 5 plastic

Sed velit quam, auctor id semper a, hendrerit eget justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis vel arcu pulvinar dolor tempus feugiat id in orci. Phasellus sed erat leo. Donec luctus, justo eget ultricies tristique, enim mauris bibendum orci, a sodales lectus purus ut lorem.

Sed velit quam, auctor id semper a, hendrerit eget justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis vel arcu pulvinar dolor tempus feugiat id in orci. Phasellus sed erat leo. Donec luctus, justo eget ultricies tristique, enim mauris bibendum orci, a sodales lectus purus ut lorem.

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