ENZadar Revisited

ENZadar Revisited

13.14 kn 99,00
Dobavljivost: dobavljivo


Once upon a time, as the stories go, the scene on Kalelarga used to be the central social happening and the climax of every day. On one side of the street fancy gentlemen strolled, on the other dolled up ladies, which sounds old-fashioned nowadays, but was actually really practical, perfect for spying, observing, checking out, exchanging quick, meaningful glances. You wouldn't believe it, but some of that modest tradition has even survived the sexual revolution. Courting happens more slowly here, in gusts; its planned through chance meetings, small allusions and a filigree strategy which lasts until the conqueror or the prey lose patience. You'll conquer some only after you give up, and give up some after you've conquered them. If this happens to you in Zadar, of one thing you can be sure - Kalelarga will know before and better than you.

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Additional features
Value 1 21 cm
Value 2 700 gr.
Value 3 10 person
Value 4 14 cm
Value 5 plastic

Sed velit quam, auctor id semper a, hendrerit eget justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis vel arcu pulvinar dolor tempus feugiat id in orci. Phasellus sed erat leo. Donec luctus, justo eget ultricies tristique, enim mauris bibendum orci, a sodales lectus purus ut lorem.

Sed velit quam, auctor id semper a, hendrerit eget justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis vel arcu pulvinar dolor tempus feugiat id in orci. Phasellus sed erat leo. Donec luctus, justo eget ultricies tristique, enim mauris bibendum orci, a sodales lectus purus ut lorem.

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